Weight-based dosing of enoxaparin in obesity
Should enoxaparin dosing be adjusted in patients with obesity?
- Weight-based enoxaparin dosing for VTE prophylaxis은 외상 환자 중 BMI > 30 kg/m² 일 때 적용가능한 방법이다.
- Weight-based enoxaparin dosing은 traumatic ICH(intracranial hemorrhage) 환자에서는 권장되지 않는다.
비만 환자의 prophylaxis는 the American College of Chest Physicians 2012 가이드라인에 포함되지 않았다. 따라서 기존의 prophylaxis regimen이 비만에서도 효과가 있는지는 불분명하다.
Weight-based enoxaparin prophylaxis is commonly initiated at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, 0.6 mg/kg or 30 mg for patients weighing 50–60 kg, 40 mg for patients weighing 61–99 kg and 50 mg for patients weighing >100 kg.[2]
1) Rappold, Joseph F., et al. "Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in the trauma intensive care unit: an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Critical Care Committee Clinical Consensus Document." Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open 6.1 (2021): e000643.
2) Berndtson, Allison E., et al. "If some is good, more is better: an enoxaparin dosing strategy to improve pharmacologic venous thromboembolism prophylaxis." Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 81.6 (2016): 1095-1100.