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Shock 치료, vasopressor , inotrope

기미개미 2020. 8. 8.


Shock represents a failure of the cardiovascular system to provide adequate tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery to maintain normal cellular metabolism.

Inadequate tissue perfusion during shock results from systemic hypotension and/or low cardiac output (CO), with microvascular shunting and mitochondrial dysfunction occurring independent of global perfusion in disease states such as sepsis; preshock states may occur with tissue hypoperfusion, despite adequate systemic hemodynamics


<쇼크의 병태생리>

preload 감소 순환 혈액량 자체가 감소하는 경우
ex) interstitium(third space)에 혈장 성분이 정체 :
     광범위한 화상, severe pancreatitis 등
심장 기능 저하 심장성 쇼크(cardiogenic shock
ex) acute MI 등
afterloae 감소 모세혈관을 포함하는 peripheral vascular가 확장됨(혈관 저항 저하)
이때, BP = CO X SVR 이므로, SVR(Systemic vascular resistance)의 감소로 CO를 증가시켜야하는데 증가에는 한계가 있어서 혈압이 저하됨

<쇼크의 분류>

순환혈액량 감소성 쇼크 1. 출혈
2. 체액 상실
심장성 쇼크 1. 심장수축력 저하(acute myocardial infarction, dilated cardiomyopathy)
2. afterload 증대(mitral regurgitation 등)
3. 부정맥
4. 심장압박에 의한 쇼크(tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, contrictive pericarditis)
혈관운동성 쇼크 1. septic shock
2. anaphylactic shock
3. neurogenic shock


일반적인 shock 치료



Pharmacologic effects of vasoprssors and inotropes

  β1(heart) α1 β2
(doses > 4 mcg/kg/min)
0 - 3+ 0 - 3+ 0 - 2+
Dobutamine 4+ + 2+
Epinephinre 4+ 2+ - 4+ + - 3+
Milrinone* 4+ 같은 0 3+ 같은
Norepinephrine 2+ 4+ +
Phenyephrine 0 4+ 0
Vasopressin** 0 4+ 같은 0

0 : no effect 4+ : very potent agonist

Milrinone : phisphodiesterate-3 inhibitor로 작용

Vasopressin : vasopressin(V1) receptor에 작용


cf) 각 수용체 (+) effect

α1 β1(heart) β2
혈관에 존재, 혈관 수축 심장에 존재, inotropic & chronotropic effect(수축력 증진 & 박동수 증진)  혈관에 존재, 혈관 이완


Hemodynamic effects of vasopressors and inotropes

(doses > 4 mcg/kg/min)
Dobutamine ↔↓ ↔↓
Phenyephrine ↔↓
Vasopressin ↔↓

CO, cardiac output; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; HR, heart rate



vasopressor effect




reference : 

(1) Jentzer, Jacob C., et al. "Pharmacotherapy update on the use of vasopressors and inotropes in the intensive care unit." Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 20.3 (2015): 249-260.

(2) 해부 병태생리로 이해하는 SIM 통합내과학 2 : 감염, 2013. 4. 15.



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